All posts by Coach Tami

I am the president and founder of Williams Education & Enrichment Program Inc., which is a 501(c)(3)k Not for Profit Organization. I am a life strategist, coach, educator, author, motivational speaker, counselor, entrepreneur, a wife and mother of three. My goal is to equip you with the necessary skills to help you organize your life and overcome whatever adversity comes your way. This blog is dedicated to the empowerment of individuals through the use of motivational/inspirational posts that encourages social, personal, spiritual and financial growth. I will address topics based on parenting, relationships, current/trending topics and emotional baggage to name a few. I hope you find my blogs encouraging and uplifting. MY PERSONAL QUOTE: "Being EmPOWERed is using your inner strength, resilience, fortitude and resources to overcome adversity, take control of your life and impact the lives of others." Tameka A. Williams aka Coach Tami.

Overcoming Feelings of Failure

As the 2024 New Year looms ahead of us on the horizon, many individuals are feeling the sting of regret in regard to lost opportunities, poor decisions and broken relationships to name a few.

When feelings of failure weigh heavy upon your heart, you can find solace and encouragement in these words from Psalm 37:23-24(NKJV):

“The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and He delights in his way. Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down; for the Lord upholds him with His hand.”

In this passage, God assures us that even the righteous encounter challenging moments and setbacks. However, His divine plan for our lives remains intact, and He will strengthen and guide us towards our God given purpose.

When life’s disappointments and self-doubt creep in, be reminded that failure is not the end. God’s mercy and grace are ever present to lift us up, comfort our souls, and restore our spirits. We must continue to trust in His word, knowing that our steps will be ordered by Him.

Have faith, knowing that God’s word will always come to pass. In moments of weakness, turn to Him, find strength in His arms, and let God’s unwavering love guide you towards a future filled with hope and redemption.

Coach Tami

Discovering Your Passion

Discovering your passion can be a transformative journey. Here are ten steps you can follow to help you find your passion:

1. Self-Reflection: Take time to introspect and understand yourself better. Consider your strengths, values, interests, and what activities bring you joy and fulfillment.

2. Explore Diverse Interests: Try out various activities, hobbies, and subjects. Engage in new experiences to expose yourself to different opportunities.

3. Identify Peak Experiences: Pay attention to moments when you feel most alive and engaged. These “peak experiences” can provide valuable clues about what truly excites you.

4. Seek Inspiration: Read books, watch documentaries, attend workshops, and listen to podcasts in areas that interest you. Learning from others’ experiences can inspire and guide you.

5. Take Risks: Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. Trying new things, even if they scare you a little, can lead you to unexpected passions.

6. Set Goals and Prioritize: Create specific goals for yourself and prioritize activities that align with your interests and values.

7. Persistence and Patience: Finding your passion may not happen overnight. Be patient with yourself and keep exploring until you discover what truly resonates with you.

8. Talk to People: Engage in conversations with individuals who are passionate about things that interest you. Their enthusiasm can be infectious and may open up new avenues for you.

9. Eliminate Distractions: Minimize distractions and make time for self-discovery. Create space for introspection and reflection.

10. Stay Open-Minded: Be open to change and growth. Your passions may evolve over time, so stay flexible and embrace new opportunities as they arise.

Remember that finding your passion is a personal journey, and there’s no set timeline. Embrace the process and enjoy the exploration of discovering what ignites your enthusiasm and sense of purpose.

Coach Tami ™